

List of 4 items.

  • Enrollment Basics

    Athena currently maintains a waiting pool, which includes children that are not quite eligible for enrollment as well as those eligible for Movers & Shakers (3-18 months), Tots (18 months-3 years), or Primary (3-5 years). Children in the waiting pool are considered for openings they are eligible for based on their date of birth. Enrollment is dependent on a number of factors and timing of enrollment cannot be guaranteed.

    Enrollment for each school year occurs between December and March (with start dates set in late August). The enrollment process always begins with re-enrollment of current students in December; thereafter, siblings of currently enrolled students are given priority. Because we strive to maintain a balance of age, gender identity, and temperament in each of our classrooms, as well as continually increase our community's diversity, children in our waiting pool are then considered according to space availability, those factors, developmental readiness, and date of application. Please note that this, coupled with the ever-changing circumstances of our waiting pool families affecting their interest in enrollment, makes it difficult to predict the likelihood of being able to offer a child a spot at any particular time.

    Once you've submitted an application for admission to Athena, your child will remain in our waiting pool unless you ask to be removed or until they reach the age of five. 
  • Movers & Shakers Enrollment

    The Movers & Shakers Program serves children ranging in age from 3 to 18 months.

    Please visit our Programs page to learn more about our Movers & Shakers Program and contact our Admissions Director with further questions.
  • Tots Enrollment

    The Tots Program serves children ranging in age from 18 months to 3 years. Please note that to ensure a balanced age distribution in our Tots classrooms, there are a limited number of spaces for children 18 months of age, and specific start dates cannot be guaranteed.

    Please visit our Programs page to learn more about our Tots Program and contact our Admissions Director with further questions.
  • Primary Enrollment

    The Primary Program serves children ranging in age from 3 to 6 years. The Primary Program is designed to be a three-year program in the same classroom, with the third year typically being the child’s Kindergarten year (depending on development and birthday). Children typically begin the Primary Program at age 3 or 4, but we do consider enrollment for children age 5 as well (space permitting).

    Please visit our Programs page to learn more about our Primary Program and contact our Admissions Director with further questions.

    Note: Children must be “independent with potty,” meaning they are out of diapers at least three months prior to entering the Primary program.

Athena Montessori Academy

“I couldn’t have asked for a better start to my son’s education. The loving guides at Athena taught him so much more than reading and writing– he’s learned how to take care of himself and those around him while navigating the social community of his classroom. I feel these life skills will serve him well as he graduates and enters first grade in the fall!”
- Rebecca O’Hara (Child now attending Eanes Elementary)